So, what exactly is a webhook?

Webhooks refers to a combination of elements that collectively create a notification and reaction system within a larger integration.

Metaphorically, webhooks are like a phone number that Stripe calls to notify you of activity in your Stripe account. The activity could be the creation of a new customer or the payout of funds to your bank account. The webhook endpoint is the person answering that call who takes actions based upon the specific information it receives.

How can it be usefull?

You can use webhook with many solutions, like mailing system, sending an sms, anytype of CRM and many more. 

How to get it working with the flow?

First you need to prepare the webhook, get the api key from stripe and also the flow to fetch the webhooks.

For the apikey go to your stripe dashboard and next to the api keys under the developers tab, and copy the secret key for later usage in the flow.

For the webhook go to your stripe dashbord and next to the webhooks under the developers tab.
In this tutorial we will showcase a trigger whenever a new customer is created.

1. Click on the +Add endpoint button

2. Insert the endpoint url. for example https://{your_tekos_instance}

3. From the dropdown menu "Events to send" select customer.created

4. After the webhook is created copy signing secret and save it for later usage in the flow.

Leave this page open as you can easily send an test webhook from this place.

Flow preparation:

Download our attached file and import it to your flow (tutorial on how to import).

In the credentials node input your stripe api key and push the inject.
Second step is to insert your signing secret you have after creating a webhook.
You can also change the webhook adress in the "http in" node, but remember to also set the correct link in the stripe dashboard. 

Once everything is set you can go to stripe dashboard and send a test webhook if you have respond from the stripe to the debug we have connection!

Checkout our tekos website for more complex tutorials on how to use stripe webhook with the tekos flow.